But this is not the only new PM feature. There is alos a new feature called a white list. People on this list can message you while you're ingoring PM's. To access this list just click on the icon you click on to open your ignore list. You can also select the option 'Allow VIPs to message you' if you want all people from your VIP list to be able to message you while ignoring PM's. Just as with the ignore list, you can make an allowed player permanent, or only untill you log out.

The new way trade channel works prevents you from getting banned by accidenlty putting a wrong message into the trade channel. To put a message there you now have to click on a button 'Advertise'. You can then enter the message you would like to see in trade channel. To prevent spamming the limit is still one message every 2 minutes, just like before.

There are more new features then you can read here, but the others are less important. E.g. there now is a chat channel for tutors only and etc. I hoipe this article helped a little into knowing what is going to come with the next mini update. I wish youy all a lot of fun on the test server, and later on in Tibia.
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