Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Again apes

Yes we went to the apes again :p. Well this time it was with the purpose to do a part of a quest but we won't spoil anything about it. We sam a lot of things at the dungeons:

* apes

* a teleporter

* a treasure room

In the apes dungeon is a stairs to go down. Honestly I find it less hard downstairs then upstairs (but this might be just me). Atteker tried to collect 100 bananas while we where killing apes :p, but he only managed to get 97 bananas. Celen The Giant was our healer who did mass heal when we where low on hp and me, Solid Snake Son of Liberty, Xawood The Ghost and Shotglennm killed the apes (with a little help of Celen and Atteker).

Sunday, January 22, 2006


I was hunting in the Ankrahmun tombs on my palladin Fox The Giant and 2 noobs came to the same tomb to hunt. They wanted to hunt there, but I refused to leave since I was there before them, and so they tried to block me at 2 crypt shamblers. I managed to run around them and made the cript target him so I could get away of it safely. After a few minutes those people left the tomb :).

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Heroes and low levels

Me and some guild members went to the hero caves at Edron. There where two people at Edron depot who wanted to come, and even when we all told them it was too dangerous they still wanted to come. We said they couldn't come, but they didn't listen and came anyway. They where everythign except usefull :p. First we killed hunters, priestesses, wild warriors and stuff and everything went well.

After that we went to the heroes. Maries wanted to block, so we all stepped aside. There was also a hole to go down. Those two low levels tht followed us went down and died instantly :(. The people who survived it went out safely after a few heroes.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Lately I see a lot of mountains trashed. Maybe CIP should hire a cleaning service.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Graphic error

Pressing CTRL+F while playing Tibia should give you a full screen mode. It had a strange effect for me. First I got this error message:

And then this happened with my screen:

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Lucky Loot

Some days ago me and Imotski went to the Oasis tomb to hunt some Necromancers. We killed 5 Necromancers, and a lot of Vampires. In the 2nd Necromancer we found Boots of Haste.

I almost died a few times, but Imotski had the 'Challenge' spell to get the monsters to him. I hate bonebeasts :S. They hit a lot, have a strong defence and crappy loot.

Monday, January 09, 2006

PoH: The Void

After my Black Knight hunt with Alaric Iceheart; me, Alaric Iceheart, Sammol, Xawood The Ghost, Maries and Amordo went to the void. We had to kill a lot of GSes to get there, somethimes even 3 together, but it's a very nice place. It's somewhere in Plains of Havoc in a skeleton-ghoul building. It looks like you're in the space :).

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Yesterday I was going to the Ancient Temple underneath Thais t hunt some beholders, but I saw that Chor Amura was hunting there. I was about to leave, when he died in front of my eyes. I killed the beholder that killed him and took his lootbag so I could return it. I messaged him after he logged in again, and told him to come depot. I walked to the depot and gave him his lootbag back. Now comes the moment that I regret what I just did. He doesn't says thanks or anything; no, instead of that he starts spamming me to help him level. I told him I had to log soon so I couldn't, but for some reason he kept asking.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

More apes

Maries and Sammol wanted to go to the apes. All of a sudden and they asked me with them, because they needed professional help ;p. We killed some apes and we found some nice loot.

After that I went back on Fox Mc Cloud to kill some more. They drop a nice amount of cocos.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New areas at Dworcs

Since the latest update there are some new areas at the dworcs. I went there on Fox The Giant with Sammol, Maries and Xawood the Ghost and later on Fox Mc Cloud with Atteker, Shotglennm and Celen The Giant. In the new areas are the usuall monsters (all kinds of dworcs and centipedes) but also Tarantulas and Crypt Shamblers. I find the caves very original, with bridges and swamp and etc. I also advanced to level 32 on Fox The Giant. Less fun was that I was out of bolts ;p.