Saturday, May 06, 2006

Test server report (part 1)

As you might have readed on the official homepage of Tibia the test server is online. It's not easy to log onto it, but it's possible. You'll probably get a message with 'Connection time-out' but if you keep trying you'll be online after a minute or two. Is it worth it, that's another question.

It's not really possible to hunt or explore something, since you're very likely to get kicked. I have been 20 minutes on test and I have been kicked 3 times. But remember that test server is to test new features, not to have fun. Now the client got an auto bug report option wich makes it easy for you to send it. The report window appears when you start the client, before you log in and looks like this:

What's new?

* New graphic options
* New PM options (white list, no pm's on game window...)
* New trade chat options
* New bug report feature

The new graphic options allow you to choose or DirectX5, DirectX9 or OpenGL. If you don't know what to choose and the old settings worked fine then choose DirectX5.

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