Thursday, December 07, 2006
Knightmare's Football
Today on test server, the all known Knightmare summoned a Football. We had to try to get this football in the oponents goal. I was in the black team, and we owned the white team badly ;).

The Football wasn't very smart and took every oportunity to escape. There seems to be a lot of programming work before the football is ready :p.

A little later a second football joined the game...

The Football wasn't very smart and took every oportunity to escape. There seems to be a lot of programming work before the football is ready :p.

A little later a second football joined the game...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Test server screenshots (part 1)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Rookgaard adventures
Some days ago, me, Mau the Darkslayer and Amasasas went to explore the dungeons below Rookgaard, searching for secrets buried in the sand. One of the most scary things we saw that day was the black hole left of us. The cave seemed to come to an end and only darkness could be seen behind it.

Quickly we continued our pad running away from the scary black hole, but little later we stood grund again. Now we saw bones lying on the floor raising and fusing together into something very similar to a body. The eyes in the skull wwhere very deep and empty, but on the same time they ware full and watching our step. The skeleton moved his left arm, took a Hatchet from the ground and stepped toward us. It swinged his arm and hitted Mau with the hatchet. We started running, but when we saw a skeleton at the other side too, we realised that wwe were trapped. The other Skeleton hitted me, and I bended trought my legs. There was no more side to go, so the only thing we could do was fight. I grabbed all strengt I had together and hitted the Skeleton in his stomach. The Skeleton seemed not to like that and felt on te ground. When Mau the Darkslayer and Amasasas saw this, they did the same with the other Skeleton, and this Skeleton also felt on the ground.
We continued our pad again and went to the room where we first saw the skeletons. In the room was a chest containing 2 fresh pieces of Salmon. Are those Salmon pieces of any use? Why do Skeletons protect it? I guess we'll never know. We went out of the cave, to the city wwhere we sitted down on the ground, recovering from our journey.

Quickly we continued our pad running away from the scary black hole, but little later we stood grund again. Now we saw bones lying on the floor raising and fusing together into something very similar to a body. The eyes in the skull wwhere very deep and empty, but on the same time they ware full and watching our step. The skeleton moved his left arm, took a Hatchet from the ground and stepped toward us. It swinged his arm and hitted Mau with the hatchet. We started running, but when we saw a skeleton at the other side too, we realised that wwe were trapped. The other Skeleton hitted me, and I bended trought my legs. There was no more side to go, so the only thing we could do was fight. I grabbed all strengt I had together and hitted the Skeleton in his stomach. The Skeleton seemed not to like that and felt on te ground. When Mau the Darkslayer and Amasasas saw this, they did the same with the other Skeleton, and this Skeleton also felt on the ground.
We continued our pad again and went to the room where we first saw the skeletons. In the room was a chest containing 2 fresh pieces of Salmon. Are those Salmon pieces of any use? Why do Skeletons protect it? I guess we'll never know. We went out of the cave, to the city wwhere we sitted down on the ground, recovering from our journey.

Saturday, June 24, 2006
My first goal
As you can see on my tibia.com profile I have the next goals in Tibia:
* Get lvl 75
* Get lvl 100
* Get 80 sword skill
* Own a SoV
* Become supported fansite owner
* Get pally in level 50
Today I managed to reach my first goal, getting level 75 :).
* Get lvl 75
* Get lvl 100
* Get 80 sword skill
* Own a SoV
* Become supported fansite owner
* Get pally in level 50
Today I managed to reach my first goal, getting level 75 :).

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
First birthday
Today one year ago we started our Photoblog. 146 posts have been made within this year. Several adventures have been posted here and every day we get many visitors reading them. Let's hope the next year of blogging will bring us some more great stories :).
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Test server report (part 4)
Yesterday Empereur Yorius, one of the members of Tibiacity's Dutch forum gave me his Sword of Valor for the duration of the test server. I went to Orc Fortress to try soloing 2 Orc Warlords at the same time, and it was pretty easy.

The day after I went to the Lizard City to explore the dungeon there. I ran trought all Lizards until I came at the dungeon, and then I cleared the dungeon that was very small, I had expected a bigger dungeon. After the dungeon was cleared I cleared the top floors, but on the upper floor I died because I ran out of UH runes, and also because I was too lazy to walk back to the city :p.

Later I went to the desert on my paladin where I was caught by a pk'er. He was level 50+ knight but I as level 40 paladin was stronger. Then he called his friend wich was a mage and she started shooting SD on me while the knight throwed teasure chests around me so I couldn't move. I ran around for 5 minutes avoiding chests, but after that time I died.

The day after I went to the Lizard City to explore the dungeon there. I ran trought all Lizards until I came at the dungeon, and then I cleared the dungeon that was very small, I had expected a bigger dungeon. After the dungeon was cleared I cleared the top floors, but on the upper floor I died because I ran out of UH runes, and also because I was too lazy to walk back to the city :p.

Later I went to the desert on my paladin where I was caught by a pk'er. He was level 50+ knight but I as level 40 paladin was stronger. Then he called his friend wich was a mage and she started shooting SD on me while the knight throwed teasure chests around me so I couldn't move. I ran around for 5 minutes avoiding chests, but after that time I died.

Monday, May 08, 2006
Test server report (part 3)
Even when test servers are mentioned to do tests, you can still have a lot of fun. I wanted to try and solo a Lich on test, and with that in mind I went to the Oasis deeper tomb. I took the middle exit of Ankrahmun and ended up in the desert between 3 Behemoths. I ran away from them back to the city and took the left exit. Trought this exit I went to the tomb close to the hills, and I succeeded in this. I entered the tomb, ran trought the firt 2 floors whitout encountering much trouble, and putted my scarab coin on the coal basin wwhen standing on the flame. I ended up in the deeper tomb searching for the Lich spawns. I first went to the south, but there wasn't a lich so I went west. I saw something familiar and I knew I have been there with Mysteriosu Lion and Mixxiphoid (look at previous stories). I was in a room 2 rooms before the Lich spawn, and I was killing 3 ghosts and 2 vampires. Then I got freezed for almost 2 minutes and when I unfroze I was still alive. After 2 seconds I got kicked.
The next day, today, I log in again, and I'm still alive and well standing in the tomb where I got kicked yesterday. I had a red health bar, so I opened my backpack with UH's as fast as I could and healed myself. I succesfully killed all monsters I was spawwning in and continued my way to the Liches. 2 rooms later I saw my first Lich.

The Lich wasn't so hard as I expected until he summoned a bonebeast. A little later he summoned another one, and another one, and one more. I was facing 4 bonebeasts, a mummy and a Lich. It took me a while, but I succeeded in my goal to kill the Lich.

I went on to the next room where I encountered 2 beholders, a few mummies and 2 vampires. I killed the 2 beholders and one vampire when another Lich appeared on my screen. He summoned a bonebeast, and after a while another one wich was fatal for me.
The next day, today, I log in again, and I'm still alive and well standing in the tomb where I got kicked yesterday. I had a red health bar, so I opened my backpack with UH's as fast as I could and healed myself. I succesfully killed all monsters I was spawwning in and continued my way to the Liches. 2 rooms later I saw my first Lich.

The Lich wasn't so hard as I expected until he summoned a bonebeast. A little later he summoned another one, and another one, and one more. I was facing 4 bonebeasts, a mummy and a Lich. It took me a while, but I succeeded in my goal to kill the Lich.

I went on to the next room where I encountered 2 beholders, a few mummies and 2 vampires. I killed the 2 beholders and one vampire when another Lich appeared on my screen. He summoned a bonebeast, and after a while another one wich was fatal for me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Test server report (part 2)
The new PM features have some nice things. A first thing you can do now is switch the PM's in the middle of your screen off. This might be usefull if you want to hunt whitout getting disturbed or if you're making a movie.

But this is not the only new PM feature. There is alos a new feature called a white list. People on this list can message you while you're ingoring PM's. To access this list just click on the icon you click on to open your ignore list. You can also select the option 'Allow VIPs to message you' if you want all people from your VIP list to be able to message you while ignoring PM's. Just as with the ignore list, you can make an allowed player permanent, or only untill you log out.

The new way trade channel works prevents you from getting banned by accidenlty putting a wrong message into the trade channel. To put a message there you now have to click on a button 'Advertise'. You can then enter the message you would like to see in trade channel. To prevent spamming the limit is still one message every 2 minutes, just like before.

There are more new features then you can read here, but the others are less important. E.g. there now is a chat channel for tutors only and etc. I hoipe this article helped a little into knowing what is going to come with the next mini update. I wish youy all a lot of fun on the test server, and later on in Tibia.

But this is not the only new PM feature. There is alos a new feature called a white list. People on this list can message you while you're ingoring PM's. To access this list just click on the icon you click on to open your ignore list. You can also select the option 'Allow VIPs to message you' if you want all people from your VIP list to be able to message you while ignoring PM's. Just as with the ignore list, you can make an allowed player permanent, or only untill you log out.

The new way trade channel works prevents you from getting banned by accidenlty putting a wrong message into the trade channel. To put a message there you now have to click on a button 'Advertise'. You can then enter the message you would like to see in trade channel. To prevent spamming the limit is still one message every 2 minutes, just like before.

There are more new features then you can read here, but the others are less important. E.g. there now is a chat channel for tutors only and etc. I hoipe this article helped a little into knowing what is going to come with the next mini update. I wish youy all a lot of fun on the test server, and later on in Tibia.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Test server report (part 1)
As you might have readed on the official homepage of Tibia the test server is online. It's not easy to log onto it, but it's possible. You'll probably get a message with 'Connection time-out' but if you keep trying you'll be online after a minute or two. Is it worth it, that's another question.
It's not really possible to hunt or explore something, since you're very likely to get kicked. I have been 20 minutes on test and I have been kicked 3 times. But remember that test server is to test new features, not to have fun. Now the client got an auto bug report option wich makes it easy for you to send it. The report window appears when you start the client, before you log in and looks like this:

What's new?
* New graphic options
* New PM options (white list, no pm's on game window...)
* New trade chat options
* New bug report feature
The new graphic options allow you to choose or DirectX5, DirectX9 or OpenGL. If you don't know what to choose and the old settings worked fine then choose DirectX5.
It's not really possible to hunt or explore something, since you're very likely to get kicked. I have been 20 minutes on test and I have been kicked 3 times. But remember that test server is to test new features, not to have fun. Now the client got an auto bug report option wich makes it easy for you to send it. The report window appears when you start the client, before you log in and looks like this:

What's new?
* New graphic options
* New PM options (white list, no pm's on game window...)
* New trade chat options
* New bug report feature
The new graphic options allow you to choose or DirectX5, DirectX9 or OpenGL. If you don't know what to choose and the old settings worked fine then choose DirectX5.

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Old guild fun (part 1)
We from Starfox Revolution have not always been what we are today. Every single one of us has been a newbie. Looking to some old screenshots gave me the idea to post about those old times. Today I'll post about our first solo beholder hunts.
It's about 10 months ago that we all tried to solo a beholder. Our guild was called Gatekeepers that time, and we weren't very strong. We barely had money and runes and we were pleased if we could solo a beholder. Nashak (Legiunia Warschawa that time) was the strongest, I was the second, then Benders Wooping Terrier and Sammol and as last Celen The Giant and Countolaf. We were very good friends, and we all lived at Carlin Clanhall. I had the room in the basement, together with Celen The Giant and Countolaf, Sammol and Benders Woopng Terrier lived at the room in front of the door and in the other rooms some other guild members.
Some day Sammol decided to go to Kazordoon and to try and solo a beholder near the entrance there. He succeeded in this and after that Nashak, Benders Wooping Terrier and me tried to solo a beholder. We all managed to do this, some of us a little better then others but we didn't die :). Check again soon for more stories of the old days.
It's about 10 months ago that we all tried to solo a beholder. Our guild was called Gatekeepers that time, and we weren't very strong. We barely had money and runes and we were pleased if we could solo a beholder. Nashak (Legiunia Warschawa that time) was the strongest, I was the second, then Benders Wooping Terrier and Sammol and as last Celen The Giant and Countolaf. We were very good friends, and we all lived at Carlin Clanhall. I had the room in the basement, together with Celen The Giant and Countolaf, Sammol and Benders Woopng Terrier lived at the room in front of the door and in the other rooms some other guild members.
Some day Sammol decided to go to Kazordoon and to try and solo a beholder near the entrance there. He succeeded in this and after that Nashak, Benders Wooping Terrier and me tried to solo a beholder. We all managed to do this, some of us a little better then others but we didn't die :). Check again soon for more stories of the old days.

Saturday, April 01, 2006
Bug at NPC
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Fire breathers at PoH
Already some time Arceon, Billy Mackem, Celen The Giant, me (on my paladin Fox The Giant) and some lower level friends of Arceon were going to do some quests at Plains of Havoc (PoH). A first quest we did was at a room wwith a firedevil, but I can't tell more about it else we would be spoiling.

After that we went to something a little more dangerous: Dragon caves. There were also some dragon lords down in those caves and sadly one of the lower level friends of Arceon died.

None of the others died and Celen The Giant did mana shield and SD'ed the Dragon Lords. Everyone else survived and succesfully made the quest. After that we went out safely and returned to the piecefull city Thais.
Person X: Free itans pls
Fox The Giant: -.-
Person X: plx

After that we went to something a little more dangerous: Dragon caves. There were also some dragon lords down in those caves and sadly one of the lower level friends of Arceon died.

None of the others died and Celen The Giant did mana shield and SD'ed the Dragon Lords. Everyone else survived and succesfully made the quest. After that we went out safely and returned to the piecefull city Thais.
Person X: Free itans pls
Fox The Giant: -.-
Person X: plx
Friday, March 17, 2006
X-mas at March
Monday, March 13, 2006
A lost soul (part 3)
I started talking to the Ghost but I didn't go any reply. A coal basin at the left corner of the room suddenly flamed. At the right of the room there was a coal basin too, but there was no fire there. At the rear corner of the room there was a stone with skulls on it. I walked to it and looked to the skulls. They looked human.
The Ghost suddenly said to me 'Put a skull in the burning coal basin', and after 2 minutes oof hesitating I did it. The fire faded and the coal basin at the right corner started burning. The Ghost sais once again 'Put a skull in the burning coal basin' and so I did.
The thing that happened then is unexplainable. I was upstairs were the Ghost should have been and my body was downstairs. I saw myself looking to myself, yes that's true. It seemed like I swapped places with the ghost. The body down yelled to me 'Thanks for setting me free'. Then I saw myself walking out of the cave. I realised what I did, I swapped places with him and now he was gone with my body and I'm the Ghost. I felt like a lost soul left behind all alone. I was cursed to get someone else inside and let him do the same then what the Ghst did to me so I could swap places with him. Weeks later I was still there, alone, wandering around like Ghost. I felt all life flow away...

The end.
The Ghost suddenly said to me 'Put a skull in the burning coal basin', and after 2 minutes oof hesitating I did it. The fire faded and the coal basin at the right corner started burning. The Ghost sais once again 'Put a skull in the burning coal basin' and so I did.
The thing that happened then is unexplainable. I was upstairs were the Ghost should have been and my body was downstairs. I saw myself looking to myself, yes that's true. It seemed like I swapped places with the ghost. The body down yelled to me 'Thanks for setting me free'. Then I saw myself walking out of the cave. I realised what I did, I swapped places with him and now he was gone with my body and I'm the Ghost. I felt like a lost soul left behind all alone. I was cursed to get someone else inside and let him do the same then what the Ghst did to me so I could swap places with him. Weeks later I was still there, alone, wandering around like Ghost. I felt all life flow away...

The end.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
A lost soul (part 2)
Suddenly I felt something flying against me. And again, and again... I was scared noww and sarted yelling. I tried to search trought my pockets again and found my flashlamp. Quickly I turned it on and I saw bats lying on the floor. Those were probably the bats that flow against me. Quickly I walked away from the bats and floowed my path going deeper inside the cave.
I heared the voices again. I could hear them a lot better now. They were yelling 'HELP ME'. I tought this was a human stucked in thecave, but I couldn't imagine that someone would go inside this cave. So I started wondering, if it's no human, then what is it? Then I realised that I just did it, I went inside the cave, so why wouldn't someone else. For a moment I tought to go back, outside, to where it's safe; but then I heard the voices again calling me for help. I realised that I had no chocie then to go help.
Further in the cave I came in a room with blood on the floor. Scared I looked trought the room looking for monsters, but I couldn't see any. The blood was dark red and it didn't look very fresh. It was dry and it colored the stones. I touched it with my finger, but my finger didn't colored red. Maybe animals lived here long ago. Once more the voices yelled for help, but with the difference that the voices sounded close now. I looked up and I saw, belive it or not, a Ghost.
To be continued...
I heared the voices again. I could hear them a lot better now. They were yelling 'HELP ME'. I tought this was a human stucked in thecave, but I couldn't imagine that someone would go inside this cave. So I started wondering, if it's no human, then what is it? Then I realised that I just did it, I went inside the cave, so why wouldn't someone else. For a moment I tought to go back, outside, to where it's safe; but then I heard the voices again calling me for help. I realised that I had no chocie then to go help.
Further in the cave I came in a room with blood on the floor. Scared I looked trought the room looking for monsters, but I couldn't see any. The blood was dark red and it didn't look very fresh. It was dry and it colored the stones. I touched it with my finger, but my finger didn't colored red. Maybe animals lived here long ago. Once more the voices yelled for help, but with the difference that the voices sounded close now. I looked up and I saw, belive it or not, a Ghost.
To be continued...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
A lost soul (part 1)
This is no Tibia adventure but a roleplaying story.
Last friday I woke up late in the afternoon. I hadn't sleep very well and was still tired. I baked myself some eggs and toasted some bread. I took the eggs and putted them on the toasted broad. Normally this is one of my favorite foods but not now. After 1 pieve of bread I trew the other bread and eggs away. I went outside for a walk.
I was walking in the forest near my house when I heared voices, voices asking to help them. I first tought it was my imagination, but I kept hearing them. I decided to go to the origine of the sound, but the more I walked the further they were away. I was about to give it up when I saw a cave with light shining out of it. I walked to the cave and was a little scared, but I grabbed all my courage together and stepped towards the cave.
When I was near the cave the light started to disapear. I couldn't see much anymore so I took my flashlamp and went inside the cave. After 10 steps I saw some kind of stairs going down. I followed the stairs down and continued my walk. Not even 20 seconds later I saw that light again. I turned off my flashlamp to save the batteries and followed the bright light wich was in front of me. 2 minutes long I walked when suddenly the light faded again. Everything was dark and I couldn't find my flashlamp.
To be continued...
Last friday I woke up late in the afternoon. I hadn't sleep very well and was still tired. I baked myself some eggs and toasted some bread. I took the eggs and putted them on the toasted broad. Normally this is one of my favorite foods but not now. After 1 pieve of bread I trew the other bread and eggs away. I went outside for a walk.
I was walking in the forest near my house when I heared voices, voices asking to help them. I first tought it was my imagination, but I kept hearing them. I decided to go to the origine of the sound, but the more I walked the further they were away. I was about to give it up when I saw a cave with light shining out of it. I walked to the cave and was a little scared, but I grabbed all my courage together and stepped towards the cave.
When I was near the cave the light started to disapear. I couldn't see much anymore so I took my flashlamp and went inside the cave. After 10 steps I saw some kind of stairs going down. I followed the stairs down and continued my walk. Not even 20 seconds later I saw that light again. I turned off my flashlamp to save the batteries and followed the bright light wich was in front of me. 2 minutes long I walked when suddenly the light faded again. Everything was dark and I couldn't find my flashlamp.
To be continued...
Friday, March 10, 2006
Interviewing Sonoroman
2 days ago I asked Sonoroman the administrator of TibiaMx if I could interview him. He said he was honoured that we wanted an interview of him and that I surely could interview him. Yesterday I logged in on my Isara character to chat with Sonoroman when he came up with the idea to make a picture for the interview. He logged on Sonorook and made a picture of me and him.

You can read the interview here.

You can read the interview here.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Serpent Spawns
Yesterday I went to the deeper ape caves with Macetoso, Zath Galaya and a lot more people. First we only meeted bonebeasts, gargoyles, green djinns, efreets, beholders, elder beholders, stone golems, slimes and some easy monsters; but one floor lower we met 2 serpent spawns. I was in their range, and after uhing one time I didn't got a chance to UH a second time, and so me, Soul Hunter Kilua and a 3th person died.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Building a parcel castle (part 2)
Note: Sorry for the late second part of this story, but I have been busy with the forum section of the Tibiacity website. It's almost finished now :).
Once we arrived at Mintwallin we searched for a place, and we decided to build it behind the left wall of the city. Celen The Giant and Wesley The Giant putted the parcels out of the backpack, I builded the castle and Knigh Mondo and Shotgelnnm were getting tables and stairs. Xawood The Ghost went away to help someone with a nearby quest and Ryus Kerath went to the city to slay some Minotaurs.
After some time our parcel castle was ready and I went away to search candles and Celen The Giant and Shotglennm were getting minotaurs and snakes. I saw Zoover at Mintwallin and he came to our parcel castle to have a look. After that 5-10 other people, who's names I forgot, came look to our castle. I also went away from Mintwallin to save Xawood The Ghost and his friend :p.
The screenshot from our parcel caste, pasted together:

Some stats from our castle (those might be different with the screenshots sinbce I already made the screen):
Number of Minotaurs: 5
Number of Snakes: 2
Number of parcels: 542
Weight of the parcels: 9756
Once we arrived at Mintwallin we searched for a place, and we decided to build it behind the left wall of the city. Celen The Giant and Wesley The Giant putted the parcels out of the backpack, I builded the castle and Knigh Mondo and Shotgelnnm were getting tables and stairs. Xawood The Ghost went away to help someone with a nearby quest and Ryus Kerath went to the city to slay some Minotaurs.
After some time our parcel castle was ready and I went away to search candles and Celen The Giant and Shotglennm were getting minotaurs and snakes. I saw Zoover at Mintwallin and he came to our parcel castle to have a look. After that 5-10 other people, who's names I forgot, came look to our castle. I also went away from Mintwallin to save Xawood The Ghost and his friend :p.
The screenshot from our parcel caste, pasted together:

Some stats from our castle (those might be different with the screenshots sinbce I already made the screen):
Number of Minotaurs: 5
Number of Snakes: 2
Number of parcels: 542
Weight of the parcels: 9756
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Building a parcel castle (part 1)
My cousin, Wesley The Giant, came to me with the idea to build a parcel castle at a special place. He was first thinking of building it in the Ankrahmun Desert, but when some free accounts wanted to help we had to do it on the free account area. He was thinking to make it straight under Venore, but I said people would come there and ruïn it, and so he came with a few other ideas, but I didn't liked them; so I proposed Mintwallin.
And so we did. We collected parcels (especially Wesley The Giant, Knight Mondo and Rohnny The Giant), and on a certain day we decided that we had enough parcels, and we headed to Mintwallin. We couldn't carry all parcels at one time, so we hided them under thais at a poison spider hole close to the hole with 2 cyclopses leading t Mintwallin. Tena Zeph wo was also helping started to build a castle there, but it was a little bit too small :p.
After we collected all parcels, we proceeded to Mintwallin. Thanks for carrying parcels to: Wesley The Giant, me ofcourse, Shotglennm, Celen The Giant, Knight Mondo, Xawood The Ghost, Tena Zeph (but he logged), Monster Man (logged too) and Ryus Kerath.
More coming soon.
And so we did. We collected parcels (especially Wesley The Giant, Knight Mondo and Rohnny The Giant), and on a certain day we decided that we had enough parcels, and we headed to Mintwallin. We couldn't carry all parcels at one time, so we hided them under thais at a poison spider hole close to the hole with 2 cyclopses leading t Mintwallin. Tena Zeph wo was also helping started to build a castle there, but it was a little bit too small :p.
After we collected all parcels, we proceeded to Mintwallin. Thanks for carrying parcels to: Wesley The Giant, me ofcourse, Shotglennm, Celen The Giant, Knight Mondo, Xawood The Ghost, Tena Zeph (but he logged), Monster Man (logged too) and Ryus Kerath.
More coming soon.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Again apes
Yes we went to the apes again :p. Well this time it was with the purpose to do a part of a quest but we won't spoil anything about it. We sam a lot of things at the dungeons:
* apes

* a teleporter

* a treasure room

In the apes dungeon is a stairs to go down. Honestly I find it less hard downstairs then upstairs (but this might be just me). Atteker tried to collect 100 bananas while we where killing apes :p, but he only managed to get 97 bananas. Celen The Giant was our healer who did mass heal when we where low on hp and me, Solid Snake Son of Liberty, Xawood The Ghost and Shotglennm killed the apes (with a little help of Celen and Atteker).
* apes

* a teleporter

* a treasure room

In the apes dungeon is a stairs to go down. Honestly I find it less hard downstairs then upstairs (but this might be just me). Atteker tried to collect 100 bananas while we where killing apes :p, but he only managed to get 97 bananas. Celen The Giant was our healer who did mass heal when we where low on hp and me, Solid Snake Son of Liberty, Xawood The Ghost and Shotglennm killed the apes (with a little help of Celen and Atteker).
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I was hunting in the Ankrahmun tombs on my palladin Fox The Giant and 2 noobs came to the same tomb to hunt. They wanted to hunt there, but I refused to leave since I was there before them, and so they tried to block me at 2 crypt shamblers. I managed to run around them and made the cript target him so I could get away of it safely. After a few minutes those people left the tomb :).

Saturday, January 21, 2006
Heroes and low levels
Me and some guild members went to the hero caves at Edron. There where two people at Edron depot who wanted to come, and even when we all told them it was too dangerous they still wanted to come. We said they couldn't come, but they didn't listen and came anyway. They where everythign except usefull :p. First we killed hunters, priestesses, wild warriors and stuff and everything went well.

After that we went to the heroes. Maries wanted to block, so we all stepped aside. There was also a hole to go down. Those two low levels tht followed us went down and died instantly :(. The people who survived it went out safely after a few heroes.

After that we went to the heroes. Maries wanted to block, so we all stepped aside. There was also a hole to go down. Those two low levels tht followed us went down and died instantly :(. The people who survived it went out safely after a few heroes.

Monday, January 16, 2006
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