Today I went to Ankrahmun for a little hunt whit my pally. I grabbed some arrows in my house, and went to the boat. I talked to the sailor to bring me to edron, but he didn't wanted. I was wondering why, but soon I discovered that I forgot to take money, so I went back to my house to grab some money out of the chest. I just sold a fire axe and skull staff, so money was no problem. The problem is that the skull staff was decoration, but I sold it for 7.5k; beacuse I thought that it would be easy to buy another one for 6.5k or eventually 7k.

PS: I cleaned my house upstairs before I planned to go to ank, and it's finaly clean enough to add a screenshot here. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Back to the point: When I grabbed the money, I went to the boat and sailed to Edron, and after that to Ankrahmun. I was thinking of going inside the Ankrahmun tombs, but that was a little bit dangerous for a level 11 palladin, so I decided to dig some scarabs. I didn't killed many scarabs, only 4 or 5, I don't now it exactly anymore. I still now that I wasted 270 arrows. My distance skill is 39 now, because I advanced.

The scarabs had poor loot, but thats normal if you only hunt 5 scarabs. I have found around 100gp, and I digged a scarab coin.

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