Tuesday, June 21, 2005
100k exp
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Channel saved at Sat Jun 18 16:25:20 2005
15:33 Fox Mc Cloud: hi
15:33 Fox Mc Cloud: come to venore
15:33 Fox Mc Cloud: i give the 10k
15:33 Fox Mc Cloud: i still own you
15:34 Lesara: what
15:34 Lesara: you give me 10k?
15:34 Fox Mc Cloud: from the 5 bp uh
15:34 Fox Mc Cloud: come to venore
15:34 Lesara: im in venore
15:34 Lesara: wait in dp
15:34 Lesara: a
15:34 Fox Mc Cloud: come to amazon camp
15:34 Lesara: i dont have 5 bp oh uh
15:35 Lesara: no come to dp
15:35 Fox Mc Cloud: you gave me yesterday
15:35 Lesara: no
15:35 Fox Mc Cloud: huh?
15:35 Lesara: srry
15:35 Lesara: me brather is msg to you
15:35 Lesara: yes i give you
15:35 Fox Mc Cloud: ah
15:35 Lesara: come to dp
15:35 Fox Mc Cloud: come to amazon camp
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: wait
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: i come in 10 mins
15:36 Lesara: ok
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: can you come to kaz
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: i gtg there
15:36 Lesara: no im in vanore ;/
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: wait at dp then
15:36 Fox Mc Cloud: i come soon
15:36 Lesara: ok
15:36 Lesara: ok
15:40 Fox Mc Cloud: still at dp?
15:40 Lesara: yes
15:40 Fox Mc Cloud: i have to wait 3 mins
15:40 Fox Mc Cloud: my friend is comming to do quest
15:41 Fox Mc Cloud: i block respwn
15:41 Lesara: you in dp venore?
15:41 Fox Mc Cloud: not yet
15:41 Lesara: ok
15:41 Fox Mc Cloud: in 3 minuts
15:41 Lesara: ok
15:46 Fox Mc Cloud: wait
15:46 Fox Mc Cloud: phonecall
15:47 Lesara: ok
15:51 Fox Mc Cloud: still at dp?
15:52 Lesara: yes
15:52 Fox Mc Cloud: was my grandmother
15:52 Lesara: ok
15:55 Lesara: you in dp venore?
15:55 Fox Mc Cloud: at bk villa
15:55 Fox Mc Cloud: comming
15:55 Lesara: ok
16:00 Fox Mc Cloud: i'm at dp
16:00 Fox Mc Cloud: where are you?
16:00 Lesara: in dp
16:00 Fox Mc Cloud: i search you
16:01 Lesara: im in dp in venore
16:01 Fox Mc Cloud: at bank or main dp?
16:01 Lesara: you in dp im in dp
16:01 Fox Mc Cloud: i'm in dp at bank
16:01 Fox Mc Cloud: where you can change gold
16:01 Fox Mc Cloud: there is dp too
16:02 Lesara: come to dp
16:02 Fox Mc Cloud: come to bank depot
16:02 Lesara: where?
16:02 Fox Mc Cloud: you now where to change gold?
16:03 Lesara: im not change gold
16:03 Fox Mc Cloud: i'm there
16:03 Lesara: come to dp
16:03 Fox Mc Cloud: ok
16:03 Fox Mc Cloud: wait
16:03 Lesara: ok
16:03 Fox Mc Cloud: changing gold 1st
16:04 Lesara: ok
16:05 Fox Mc Cloud: comming now
16:06 Lesara: ok
16:06 Fox Mc Cloud: what are you doing?
16:07 Lesara: im sta in dp
16:07 Fox Mc Cloud: ok
16:07 Fox Mc Cloud: 16:07 You see a bag (Vol:8).It weighs 5043.5 oz.
16:07 Fox Mc Cloud: loot
16:08 Fox Mc Cloud: from hunt
16:08 Fox Mc Cloud: i have to sell it
16:08 Lesara: nice
16:09 Fox Mc Cloud: how much did i own you?
16:10 Lesara: 10k
16:10 Fox Mc Cloud: accept k armor + fs?
16:10 Lesara: ok
16:10 Fox Mc Cloud: i go get it at thais
16:11 Fox Mc Cloud: wait 5 mins
16:11 Fox Mc Cloud: i take boat
16:11 Lesara: ok
16:11 Fox Mc Cloud: can you come to thais pls
16:11 Lesara: parcel
16:11 Fox Mc Cloud: ok
16:20 Fox Mc Cloud: got parcel?
16:20 Lesara: wait
16:20 Lesara: no
16:21 Fox Mc Cloud: huh? you sure?
16:21 Fox Mc Cloud: lol, i sended to your thais dp
16:21 Fox Mc Cloud: oops
16:21 Fox Mc Cloud: sry
16:22 Lesara: ;/
16:22 Fox Mc Cloud: i'm so stupid
16:22 Lesara: ok tomoroow i go to thais
16:22 Fox Mc Cloud: ok
16:22 Lesara: thx
16:23 Fox Mc Cloud: np
16:23 Lesara: a i have problem
16:23 Lesara: maybe you have fish?
16:23 Fox Mc Cloud: i'm at thais
16:23 Lesara: you have food ?
16:23 Fox Mc Cloud: if you come here
16:24 Lesara: no parcel to vnore ok?
16:24 Lesara: venore*
16:24 Fox Mc Cloud: nah i go hunt now
16:24 Lesara: ;/
16:24 Lesara: ok
16:24 Lesara: thx
16:24 Fox Mc Cloud: np
16:24 Lesara: bye
16:25 Fox Mc Cloud: cya
52 mins :p, and she still thinks she is going to get a parcel ;).
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Fox on Astera

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Wedding proposal
fox mc cloud
In this valentine's day , I give to you 3 presents. They represent what you mean to me.
First I give you a diamond, it represents how precious and rare you are to me.
Second a Magic Light Wand, cause you enlight my life and soul with your brightness.
And third, I give you my heart, but that you already have,Do you want to marry me?
I love you, Talitaminhaw.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Saturday, June 11, 2005
Garbage = House?

Friday, June 10, 2005
Hunting whit my pally (part 4)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sunday, June 05, 2005
I can't trade
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Warriors Guildhall

Underneath are some pictures from the guildhall that can be enlarged by clicking on it.

Into the Void
But we also found an old key that unlocked the door downstairs - which, for an unknown reason, was hiding a magical teleporter. Its blueish white light drew us in, and with a brilliant white flash, we suddenly appeared in this amazing place, which is apparently known as 'The Void'.

Friday, June 03, 2005
Free fish

Hunting whit my pally (part 3)

Back to the point: When I grabbed the money, I went to the boat and sailed to Edron, and after that to Ankrahmun. I was thinking of going inside the Ankrahmun tombs, but that was a little bit dangerous for a level 11 palladin, so I decided to dig some scarabs. I didn't killed many scarabs, only 4 or 5, I don't now it exactly anymore. I still now that I wasted 270 arrows. My distance skill is 39 now, because I advanced.
The scarabs had poor loot, but thats normal if you only hunt 5 scarabs. I have found around 100gp, and I digged a scarab coin.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Hunting whit my pally (part 2)

Now that I got the key I could open the kings room and take the quest award. It's not very special, but it's just cool to go on a quest. I found another key and 27 cookies. The key is needed to open the door to the room whit a chest containing the key to pass trought the connection part in the dwarf mines.
When I cleared quest and told Samlow about it, he and Nashak came there too. They were hunting dwarf guards, but they prefered to go on a quest. Samlow was running out of hmm anyway, so they couldn't hunt long anymore. Nashak already did the quest, but he came together whit Samlow.

On the table at the left are the quest awards, and the loot Samlow and Nashak found before. They didn't hunted long yet, so they didn't had much loot.

After that we went on power ring quest and on elvenbane quest. At elvenbane was a lured zerker. It's like they say: 'to all good things comes an end'. I died because of a lured zerker and a noob blocking me so I couldn't run. Anyway, the nood tried to loot me and died too (hahaha).
Hunting whit my pally (part 1)

I hunted minos, cycs and mino guards. Some monsters can't wait until it's their turn to die. These unpatient monsters have to pay whit their life. I go eat now, and this afternoon I continue my hunt, and I'll maybe go on quest. I'll post the 2nd part later today.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
PoH quests

When the zerkers, shamans and leader were dead, we went down in the giant spider hole. Nashak blocked the giant spider because my 1 handed equipment is stolen by a bitch called Alcandra Tara. She acted like a friend and letted me in her house. After that she wanted to enter mine, and because I already nowed her since she created her character, I letted her in. She waited until a good chance to steal something. She took for 70k items from me, and one of them was my bs. She is probably playing on another account now, she has several accounts, but I don't now the names of her other characters. Back to PoH now, Nashak could block the gs good. We both shooted hmm on it, and it died in a short time. We took the 5 power bolts and 12 burst arrows out of the dead body in the cave and went out again.

In the way back we meeted 3 demon skeletons. I hate them, but we had to pass them. The only way to kill them is whit hmm (and thats a waste). In our level it would be too expensive to melee them.

Another quest survived, next will probably be the black knight quest.
Tibiacity Photoblog on Tibianews

You can find the aritcle here.

Knight legs 7k? Lol!