Friday, November 16, 2007

Vocation balancing test: Part I

We still didn't got a reply yet, but as they didn't told we couldn't spoil; I guess we can spoil. I've made some pictures of the new attacks, such as UE, poison storm...

Exori frigo:

Exori vis:

Exori tera:

Ultimate explosion:
-> 360 damage on me (level 87 elite knight)

Replacer of poison storm:
-> 247 instant damage on me (level 87 elite knight)


Anonymous said...

Amazing indeed!

Anonymous said...

yeahh realy amazing...

nice grafics too.. maybe not tibia style but... i like them. little bit real.. i think so..

I want to test it!!!

Anonymous said...

What the? Ware those lighting clouds under from the UE?