Thursday, June 14, 2007

Test server: Part II

As promised, our second set of test server screenshots :).


Watch tower:


Sorcerer guild:

Some people die to the new monsters:

Watch screenshots of the new monsters: here.


Anonymous said...

I beg you, take more pictures.. id like to see the lvl requirments of the main weapons (d-lance and weapons like that)

Also, how much do you hit with avenger :D

Anonymous said...

Me again.. could you post a picture about the new 'Arena system'

Anonymous said...

Tell me lvl requirement of GS please;) wanna know if I still can use it after the update :D:D and like frulle said.. take ss of "the arena"

Steven said...

Okay on request: Pictures of arena comming.

Btw I don't know many level requirements yet, but check blog or Tibiacity main page, I'll post there if I know something.

Regarding my hits: I can kill a dragon in 6-7 hits if I hit good.