Yesterday I did the Pits of Inferno quest. Herganon, Pancras Dragonheart, Kiryh, Sorcerer of the Dark Age, Achon Elaw and Mateusz Dragon Wielki cleared the quest for 300k each person. To be honest, the quest was even more boring then the Postman quest. It took us 5 and a half houre to complete it, most of this time we have spended waiting, and the other time blocking spawn.
The first part of the quest is some switching work followed by a maze. After that you'll have to clear 7 seals. To enter a seal walk into a teleporter on the picture above. On each seal you'll have to step on the throne twice.
The quest reward is a pair of Softboots, a Stuffed Dragon, 11100gp, Death Ring, Backpack of Holding, 10 Charged UH, 30 Charged Explosion, 50 Charged HMM, 10 Charged SD, Avenger, Life Ring, Mana Fluid, Blank Rune, Ceremonial Ankh, Frozen Starlight, Pirate Backpack, 3 UH runes, 2 SD runes, 3 Orchidalcum Pearls, 5 White Pearls, 2 Soul Orbs and 1 Mana Fluid.
gratz on doing poi
gratz on doing poi (all it isn't that hard if your on non pvp) but at some parts maybe a bit harder.. plz give me your death ring i want to do the dream challange for eages butonly 1 death ring on my server ;P
Gratz fox :)
gratz xD
I Love this blog!!
Lot of interesting things to read! :P
btw gratz on PoI!
Hope you come to my blog :D
bb :*
Haha love the post, found it while doing some nostalgia googling
Great comment in the first paragraph "To be honest, the quest was even more boring then the Postman quest."
Was a grind for the cleaning team as well, at least we were occupied with something but we did this every other sunday for a very long time, so much money though...
Hope you still get these comments :)
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