Thursday, January 18, 2007

Morgaroth Visits Pacera

Just 2 days ago, Pacera had its virst Morgaroth in history. And it seems we had some bad luck, since pretty much none of our high levels where online at the moment.
A team was trying to be organized, but nobody wanted to go, since they considered it to be a waste.
After a lot of arguing, I decided to lure Morgaroth by myself. And well... there's not much to explain, except that I died in 2 hits.
After my death, the rest of the people left. And just like that Morgaroth said good bye pacera.


Steven said...

Ah Morgaroth and you were there alone :). Too bad you died :(.

Anonymous said...

He always dies... Its like he gets lvls so he can loose them another day xD

Anonymous said...

At least you died like a hero.

Morgaroth menz, and you were the one that risked your life.

Nice done ^^

Dyloslawer said...

the music is only paralyze :O i saw it in your movie. cool ;)

Anonymous said...

At least you fighted like a hero, not like some womans there :P