Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Test server (day 3, part 2)

Downstairs there were some stupid monsters to start with like vampires, ghosts, mummies, gargoyles and the monsters I hate so much Stalkers. Stalkers are one of the most irritating CIP ever implented in the game, that doesn't mean I don't like the idea and want them removed, I just prefer not to meet them whitout GFB's with me. I ddin't had GFB's since they were all in my house and I wasted my money for UH's. I tried to shoot them with HMM's wich was rather annoying, but the others GFBed them most of the time.

After those easy monsters there were slightly comming rooms with harder monsters such as Bonebeast summoning Liches. Our tactic was the next:
Lord Mixxiphoid: FB underneath the lich and block
Me (Fox Mc Cloud): Full attack with Giant Sword
Mysterious Lion: Bolting it

Soon we killed our first Lich, and our second.

After that we wen't down another floor to the harder monsters. There was a long big room containing a Warlock in the back of it. We went in slowly and had to deal with tons of other monsters first such as gargoyles, green djinns, necromancers and their summons...

After that the warlock came. I wasted 16 UH's and some explosions to him. He was hard to kill, hitted hard shooted fire fields everywere, kept summoning stone golems, made hisself invisible, healed fast...

...but we manneged to kill him eventually. Below is the screen of when we just killed him. After that we went back to the city, and I logged out.


Steven said...

Oasis tomb, and thanks :).

Steven said...

I'll post more after I updated the website :). Thanks for gratzing me :p.