Friday, November 11, 2005

Test server (day 1)

After trying to get on for a while I finaly logged on. Before I always had messages with a connection time-out. The typical test server things where also present (pking, trashing, trowing equipment away...).

At the Edron boat where a lot of people so nobody was able to travel there. GM Craben tried to do something against this and started spamming the default channel :p.

Me and Celen The Giant went to the White Flower temple underneath Thais to kill a banshee (I forgot that CIP locked all level gates).

But the door that wouldn't open reminded me to it.

After that I went to the dungeons underneath Mt. Sternum. I went down to the bottom of that cave and I soloed a Giant Spider there with my Giantsword, 2 HMM runes and 8 UH runes (btw I never train my skills so I suck).


Steven said...

Ok thx I now how I guess. Why pick?

Steven said...

Show me someday.