This was our quest team. First whe went to the wedding ring quest. I already did the quest, and so did Celen The Giant, but we where helping the others. There we met Alaric Iceheart, who rejoined my guild. Then we went to spikesword quest. Alaric Iceheart, level 103 royal paladin, soloed the quest so we could take the reward.

After that we helped some people with the Triangle Tower quest. I hitted the geo with 200 (my new record). Someone killed the witch with an SD and I killed the monk together with Celen who shoot hmm.

After that I went to Ankrahmun to hunt. My skills really suck. It's because I never train or trained and fight 2 handed. My skills are 73/60 now ;p. I was hunting in a tomb, like always, when I advanced in sword fighting.
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