When I went out of Mintwallin I saw a scared Maries running from a rat ;), so I decided to help him kill it. I blocked the rat and Maries shoot hmms. I only used 2 uhs :D.
For the people that wonder what my equipment is, here is a screenshot:
No luck today, no Morfius :(. Maybe another day.
I also changed my deco (I have more stuff).
I went down to look at the ruïns. I went further and further inside and then I felt something strange. I felt fire around my legs. I turned around and then I saw an awfull monster. It had one eye and foru tentackles or something that looked like tentakles.
I was scared so I ran away from it. Then I ran into another monster that looked exactly the same. Same tentackles, 1 eye... I had no more options then to try and kill it. If I runned back I would ran into the other monster again so I took my bow and an arrow, and shooted it in the direction of the monster. I missed. Meanwhile there was a skeleton that disapeared out of nowhere. It ran to me and it was standing behind me. It hidded me over and over again. He couldn't hurt me much so I decided to kill the one eyed monster first. I saw a blue light flash, and yet another skeleton disapeared in front of the monster.
I was scared, and I was hurted but I took another arrow and hitted the monster this time. I took another arrow and shooted again. This was a good hit. I saw that the monster was in pain, and it started moving slower. It shooted a kind of electric beam on me. He hitted my arm, and I was damaged very badly. I almost couldn't move my arm anymore because it hurted so much. I grabbed all strength together and I shooted another arrow.
The monster started running. I ran behind it and shooted 2 more arrows, and the monster died. I wanted to kill the skeletons, but on some way they felt onto the floor. I putted myself on the floor and rested for a minute. Then I saw the other monster again, and so I ran away back to the exit. It hitted me with fire again, and now I could barely walk anymore. Again another skeleton apeared out of nothing, and it went into my direction. As fast as I could with my hurted leg I ran to the ladder and climbed up. I was safe. Those monsters were too stupid to come up, and even if they would now it, they wouldn't be able to do it. For the first time in my life I felt that much pain. My leg, my arm... I slowely went back to the staircase, went up the stairs and there I putted myself down against the wall. I was too hurted to move and so I sitted there until I was so tired that I felt asleep.
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I couldn't sleep last night. All the night I've been thinking about the locked door. What is there behind this door? Will I find the key? Where shall I look for the key? I have no clue. Maybe I should ask it to the civilians of Fibula first. Maybe they have some advice, or maybe they now where I can find the key.
And so I did. My first interesting result I found at Dermot:
Fox The Giant: hi
Dermot: Hello, traveller Fox The Giant. How can I help you?
Fox The Giant: fibula dungeon
Dermot: You are at Fibula. This isle is not very dangerous. Just the wolves bother outside the village.
Fox The Giant: key
Dermot: Do you want to buy the dungeon key for 2000 gold?
I thought that's a little bit expensive for the key. And was not sure if it was the right key, so I walked around a lttle bit more, I could still return later (but I didn't).
I talked to some other civilians, but they didn't had any usefull info for me. I went down to the lake to relax a little bit, and then I saw Simon The Beggar. He seemed very lonely, so I decided to talk to him:
Fox The Giant: hello simon
Simon the Beggar: Hello Fox The Giant. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Fox The Giant: how can I help you?
Simon the Beggar: I need gold. Can you spend me 100 gold pieces?
Fox The Giant: yes of course
Simon the Beggar: Thank you very much. Can you spend me 500 more gold pieces? I will give you a nice hint.
Fox The Giant: yes
Simon the Beggar: That's great! I have stolen something from Dermot. You can buy it for 200 gold. Do you want to buy it?
Fox The Giant: yes
Simon the Beggar: Now you own the hot key.
You see a wooden key (Key:3940).
I was wondering if this key would fit the door, but I didn't went down to try it. It was time for dinner, but maybe I'll go down tomorow :D.