One day later I did the Behemoth quest, with the help of Kiryh. I gave her mana fluids to clear the quest, and I followed.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Level 80 and Behemoth quest
One day later I did the Behemoth quest, with the help of Kiryh. I gave her mana fluids to clear the quest, and I followed.
Monday, January 29, 2007
My addons
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Dream Walking
The other day I decided to try out the riddles of the misterious Dream Challenge. Many rumours said that only the most intelligent and strongest warriors would be able to pass these trials. So after many hours I managed to solve all the tests.
But I'm not going to talk here about the trials, after all I too don't want any unworthy human to be able to join the ranks of this secret order.
After a long journey through my own dreams, I received an invitation to join the ranks of the legendary order; The Nightmare Knights. But I also realized that their most feared enemy; The Brotherhood of Bones, infiltrated their own headquarters, and even more: They were also recruiting more people.
It was not an easy choice, on one hand I could join the old legendary order, and protect the kingdom of tibia against the most feared dangers, but on the other side the Brotherhood of Bones offered me a power greater than anything on this realm.It was an offer I couldn't reject. So I am now the newest member of the secret, old and powerful Brotherhood of Bones. And those who cross my path will be destroyed, without mercy.
These are some views from my adventures through my dreams. And soon I will achieve a power greater than anything you will ever imagine. And combining my powers with the ancient knowledge of the Brotherhood of Bones, we will rule this earth.
Shaman Outfit
Today me and a lot of other people did the Banuta quest. I already did all mission except the last. When I tried to do the last mission, I died. I was planning to hunt at Banuta so I could collect some more ape furs needed for the beard of the Beggar Outfit, when I saw a lot of people standing at the ape NPC. I asked Segnir Vampire what they were doing there, and he told me they were doing the Banuta quest. I informed in what mission they were, and he told me they were planning to do the last mission in some minutes. I asked their team leader if I could join and he said it was ok if I hurried up and get my snake destroyer. I ran to my house in Thais, took the destroyer and went back. They were already inside behind the teleporter, so I also hurried there.
A first thing we had to do was smashing some jars, to activate a teleporter. There were 5 different teams (blue, green, purple, yellow and red) going to a different jar to smash. I joined the green team. Everything went very well and it wasn't very hard to activate the teleporter and we all ran trough it. Down there at the start of the harder part I found time to make a screenshot of the team.
The quest leader explained the tactics (in Polish) so I didn’t understood much of it. I asked for a quick translation, and he basically said that we had to follow the team of our color and not to touch any switches. I followed my green team and we went with the blue team to clear the place where they had to switch and after we went to our switch. We met a few Serpent Spawns and many Hydras. My health went red one time, but I didn’t die.
After everyone was on his place we switched the switches ran to the final room and used the switch there, but nothing happened. When they discussed what could have been wrong they noticed someone forgot to switch a switch, so we went back to our switches and did it all over. This time I got a kick from my router, disconnecting me from the internet, but my Tibia character stayed online until my internet was back. I was just blocking respawn so I didn’t die, and after that my internet didn’t do anything strange anymore. After we switched all switches again we went back to the final room and now everything worked fine. We went inside created a queue and waited for our turn to destroy the serpents head.
What is also in this room is a sealed door with an item needed for some addon, but I couldn’t enter it since I didn’t start the addon quest yet. Further from that there is also a level gate for level 999.
After we all smashed the head we went back to the ape NPC, briefed him about our mission down there and asked for our Shaman outfit.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Beggar Outfit
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Ingwe level 100
New poster, Whoo
I am a new blogger for the tibiacity blog, my name is Knight of the White Wolf and I am currently a level 62 Elite knight on the game world Harmonia!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Minishabaal strikes!

and the Minishabaal is really extreme fast! and the undead minions can do force wave(sd wave) and they firebomb themselves, really boosted up DS they are!

Wall bug
Thursday, January 18, 2007
New here!
My tibia name is Dyloslawer, he is a lvl 67 RP(he was lvl 68 but i died 20 minutes ago...)

As you can see I am an addon freak xD, so far i got the full citizen, full hunter, pirate oufit+sabre, beggar(and 91 ape furs), bear paws and warrior sword. i also got 1 fish fin, 2 red dragon scales, 20 vamp dusts, 1 lizard scale, so after i completed beggar outfit ill go for the assasin outfit ^^ wish me luck!
Morgaroth Visits Pacera
Just 2 days ago, Pacera had its virst Morgaroth in history. And it seems we had some bad luck, since pretty much none of our high levels where online at the moment.
A team was trying to be organized, but nobody wanted to go, since they considered it to be a waste.
After a lot of arguing, I decided to lure Morgaroth by myself. And well... there's not much to explain, except that I died in 2 hits.
After my death, the rest of the people left. And just like that Morgaroth said good bye pacera.