Suddenly I felt something flying against me. And again, and again... I was scared noww and sarted yelling. I tried to search trought my pockets again and found my flashlamp. Quickly I turned it on and I saw bats lying on the floor. Those were probably the bats that flow against me. Quickly I walked away from the bats and floowed my path going deeper inside the cave.
I heared the voices again. I could hear them a lot better now. They were yelling 'HELP ME'. I tought this was a human stucked in thecave, but I couldn't imagine that someone would go inside this cave. So I started wondering, if it's no human, then what is it? Then I realised that I just did it, I went inside the cave, so why wouldn't someone else. For a moment I tought to go back, outside, to where it's safe; but then I heard the voices again calling me for help. I realised that I had no chocie then to go help.
Further in the cave I came in a room with blood on the floor. Scared I looked trought the room looking for monsters, but I couldn't see any. The blood was dark red and it didn't look very fresh. It was dry and it colored the stones. I touched it with my finger, but my finger didn't colored red. Maybe animals lived here long ago. Once more the voices yelled for help, but with the difference that the voices sounded close now. I looked up and I saw, belive it or not, a Ghost.
To be continued...