Saturday, December 31, 2005
New friend
Yesterday me, Fox Mc Cloud and Maries went to Mintwallin for a little hunt. We killed lots of minotaurs like you can expect of Mintwallin. We where close to the NPC that summons monsters when you say hi, and 2 minotaur guards attacked us. All of a suddon Caragan apeared on our screens, and he drawed a mad face. He probably saw that the mino guard was hurting us. We killed the mino guard and went to the park in Mintwallin. Maries was running to a minotaur, but Caragan jumped in front of him so that the minotaur attacked him. Maries helped Caragan to kill the minotaur, and Caragan called Maries a noob (new overpraised online buddy). After that we hunted together. Caragan ran in front and blocked the monsters for us so we could exp :). He even helped us to take all the loot we collected. After some slaying we went to a tower in Mintwllin, and I thought this would be a good moment for a screenshot. I asked both Maries and Caragan to smile, but Caragan didn't wanted to smile and told us something about cancer. After that he ran out of Mintwallin without saying a single word. I think we hitted something sensitive. A little later we left Mintwallin too, and I messaged him that Mintwallin was free, so that he could hunt there, and he thanked me with the letters F and U.

Thursday, December 29, 2005
Treasure you can't measure
When hunting with Maries and Celen The Giant at Hell Gate looking for an NPC called Randor Swiftfinger, we found a beautiful treasure room. Probably everyone else wants to have this treasure just as much as I want it :O. Anyway this wasn't what we were looking for but we didn't found the NPC so this is the only thing we found.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
War Wolf raid
Also a few days ago, but because of Christmas and etc I didn't posted anything :p. Agressive beast attacked Ab'Dendriel, if you can call wolfs and war wolfs agressive. I also found that it was more a human raid then a wolf raid. I killed like nothing. Harmonias highest level was there, Pancras Dragonheart and he probably cleared everything very fast ;(.

Later on the same day we also got a Rat Raid, YAY :p. I went their with my knight since I was already in Thais and I killed some rats. Next time we want something more challenging please :).

Later on the same day we also got a Rat Raid, YAY :p. I went their with my knight since I was already in Thais and I killed some rats. Next time we want something more challenging please :).

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Your skull on my guildhall!
Like the Amazons have skulls on their buildings I would like to propose that I get things like that on my guildhall, and everyone who trashes my guildhall can find his skull there. I think that after a week I have more skulls then the amazones since the Warriors Guildhall in thais is the main target for trashers (especially the balcony). Looks like it's fun to trow garbage on my balcony ;(.

Monday, December 26, 2005
Talitaminhaws wedding
Also a few days ago Talitaminhaw married with Fendhor or something. It was at Senja Castle and it was very nice till one of her ex husbands came to smash decos and etc. The two married after all, but I wasn't there anymore since they have been fighting wwith the ex 30 minutes and I didn't had much time. But it had a happy end, and that's what is important. Gratz for Talitaminhaw and Fendhor :).

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Level 71
It's already a few days ago that I went to the lizard camp for a quest piece, but I advanced to level 71 when I did that. I went there with Celen The Giant, Atteker, Shotglennm, Maartentjoh, Vampiermeissie, Oblivian Archer and someone else who's name I forgot. Alone the Lizard Campment is pretty dangerous, so I don't recomand you to go there solo. If you want to hunt lizards, stay on the area in front of the mountains or close to the stairs there. When I hunted lizards the first day I found nothing, the 2nd day I found 2 templar scytheblades, the 3th day again nothing and the 4th day I found a templar scytheblade, 2 small diamonds, 2 pairs of croco boots, a sentinel sheild, a salamander shield and an elephant tusk (spoken about luck ;p).

Sunday, December 18, 2005
A bad day...
Yesterday I was going to Orc Fortress, and I went to the top floor of the hills north of the Fortress. I went up to block the monsters, and many orc leaders and some orc warlords attacked me. I shot explo, to speed up the dead of those monsters, and then I tired to UH, but because I just shot explo, I couldn't UH anymore. I tried it again, but it was too late. A white screentext apeared saying: 'You are dead'. I lost a lot of experience points, as you can see in the graphic below. I had blessings, so I ddi't lost my level, but I lost all 5 blessings. I alos lost my amulet of loss, so I didn't lost any other equipment. The next days I'll try to earn 100k for blessings and an aol, but I still have screenshots of the past days to post in the blog.

Friday, December 16, 2005
Hydra Egg
Me, Neoko Uno, Xawood the ghost, Sammol, Celen The Giant, General Boono, Doretef, and so on went on Hydra Egg quest.

Note that I won't spoil anything about how you have to do the quest. Do not mail or PM me for help with the quest. Click on the images to enlarge them.
We all came together at Port Hope depot, and then we went to the Hydra Lair were the nest with the eggs is located. On the way there we met a Hydra. Neoko Uno blocked him, and we killed him. He hitted me once and drained half my HP with it.

At the hydra nest we all had to stand at the stairs so Neoko could run up if it was needed, but someone was there before us. Al hydras where already dead :p.

And finaly we got our reward...

Note that I won't spoil anything about how you have to do the quest. Do not mail or PM me for help with the quest. Click on the images to enlarge them.
We all came together at Port Hope depot, and then we went to the Hydra Lair were the nest with the eggs is located. On the way there we met a Hydra. Neoko Uno blocked him, and we killed him. He hitted me once and drained half my HP with it.

At the hydra nest we all had to stand at the stairs so Neoko could run up if it was needed, but someone was there before us. Al hydras where already dead :p.

And finaly we got our reward...

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Edron Dungeons (part 2)
Here is the next serie of screenshots I made on my hunt at the Edron Dungeons.

^ The lowest floor in this dungeons. There is fire everywhere, and fire elementals and stalkers on the path.

^ A roow wich was filled with 7 fire elementals. They hurted, and made my hp go red 2 times, but we killed them eventually.

^ 2 Priestesses and a Hero attacking me. I didn't kill them since I was loww on UH's.

^ Down at some stairs. This room was crowed with priestesses, stone golems, orc shamans...

^ The same room, but further down at it. Here were level doors, but we couldn't enter, since in the test server all level doors were locked.
After this we left the dungeons ad returned to Edron depot. I wasted a half bp hmm and 37 UH runes on this hunt. We killed heroes, priestesses, wild warriors, orc shamans, hunters, ghouls, demon skeletons, beholders...

^ The lowest floor in this dungeons. There is fire everywhere, and fire elementals and stalkers on the path.

^ A roow wich was filled with 7 fire elementals. They hurted, and made my hp go red 2 times, but we killed them eventually.

^ 2 Priestesses and a Hero attacking me. I didn't kill them since I was loww on UH's.

^ Down at some stairs. This room was crowed with priestesses, stone golems, orc shamans...

^ The same room, but further down at it. Here were level doors, but we couldn't enter, since in the test server all level doors were locked.
After this we left the dungeons ad returned to Edron depot. I wasted a half bp hmm and 37 UH runes on this hunt. We killed heroes, priestesses, wild warriors, orc shamans, hunters, ghouls, demon skeletons, beholders...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Edron Dungeons (part 1)
On the test server me, Maries and Celen The giant went to the Edron hero and demon dungeons. The demon spawn was taken, so we went exploring the caves. We met heroes, priestesses, demon skeletons, stalker, stone golems, orc shamans... We saw 2 doors that needed level 100 to enter (I guess Annihilator quest and Demon Helmet quest).

^ Screenshot on our way in. Just some easy monsters. Normaly it's crowed with monsters and then you better use a stealth ring.

^ The new graphics of the poison field. They have their own unique green light. Life crystals also give a small light shine, but blue.

^ Me solo-ing a priestess. She healed fast, but I killed her.
More will come tomorow.

^ Screenshot on our way in. Just some easy monsters. Normaly it's crowed with monsters and then you better use a stealth ring.

^ The new graphics of the poison field. They have their own unique green light. Life crystals also give a small light shine, but blue.

^ Me solo-ing a priestess. She healed fast, but I killed her.
More will come tomorow.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Morgaroth is the new demon boss CIP made when Orshabaal was deafeated. He is stronger then Orshabaal. Before the public test server there was a provate test server for tutors, gamemasters, CIP support... and Knightmare and an other god made them duel. Morgaroth defeated Orshabaal, so there is now a new challenge in the game. He can summon demons just like Orshabaal. if Orshabaal drops a Thunder Hammer, what will Morgaroth drop then? Maybe Dragon Scale Legs or a Golden Helmet. The screenshots belwo are made on the test srever in the Ankrahmun desert. In the left corner you can see Knightmare, who summoned Morgaroth.

Saturday, December 10, 2005
Test server: More new graphics
First of all I want to say that I met foxmccloud of Lucera on the test server. He is a nice guy :).

Further I saw that the graphics of the sabre and scimitar are changed, and almost all floors. The most spectacular thing are the light effects. Torches have an orange light (it's a little strange at the beginning), and poison fields have a green light. Magic light wands still give clear white light. Below you can see some screenshots.

Further I saw that the graphics of the sabre and scimitar are changed, and almost all floors. The most spectacular thing are the light effects. Torches have an orange light (it's a little strange at the beginning), and poison fields have a green light. Magic light wands still give clear white light. Below you can see some screenshots.

Friday, December 09, 2005
New graphics
Below you can see some screenshots of the new graphics that the test serverbrings. The water and ships changed a lot, and the water moves up and down. Further the graphics of the brass helmet, crystal wand, scimitar... changed, but we don't have screenshots of that. The house roofs changed too and the beds and cots.

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