Friday, November 25, 2005
New lay-out
I'm currently working on a new look for the tibiacity website. This evening I'll add a status bar on Tibiacity to see how far the reconstructions are. When it's ready I'll post stories on blog again. Right now my priority goes to the website.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
If nobody comments then we don't now how to improove our stories or what kind of stories you like. We also want to say that if you're interested in writing stories for this blog that you can mail me (
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Test server (day 3, part 2)
Downstairs there were some stupid monsters to start with like vampires, ghosts, mummies, gargoyles and the monsters I hate so much Stalkers. Stalkers are one of the most irritating CIP ever implented in the game, that doesn't mean I don't like the idea and want them removed, I just prefer not to meet them whitout GFB's with me. I ddin't had GFB's since they were all in my house and I wasted my money for UH's. I tried to shoot them with HMM's wich was rather annoying, but the others GFBed them most of the time.

After those easy monsters there were slightly comming rooms with harder monsters such as Bonebeast summoning Liches. Our tactic was the next:
Lord Mixxiphoid: FB underneath the lich and block
Me (Fox Mc Cloud): Full attack with Giant Sword
Mysterious Lion: Bolting it

Soon we killed our first Lich, and our second.

After that we wen't down another floor to the harder monsters. There was a long big room containing a Warlock in the back of it. We went in slowly and had to deal with tons of other monsters first such as gargoyles, green djinns, necromancers and their summons...

After that the warlock came. I wasted 16 UH's and some explosions to him. He was hard to kill, hitted hard shooted fire fields everywere, kept summoning stone golems, made hisself invisible, healed fast...

...but we manneged to kill him eventually. Below is the screen of when we just killed him. After that we went back to the city, and I logged out.

After those easy monsters there were slightly comming rooms with harder monsters such as Bonebeast summoning Liches. Our tactic was the next:
Lord Mixxiphoid: FB underneath the lich and block
Me (Fox Mc Cloud): Full attack with Giant Sword
Mysterious Lion: Bolting it

Soon we killed our first Lich, and our second.

After that we wen't down another floor to the harder monsters. There was a long big room containing a Warlock in the back of it. We went in slowly and had to deal with tons of other monsters first such as gargoyles, green djinns, necromancers and their summons...

After that the warlock came. I wasted 16 UH's and some explosions to him. He was hard to kill, hitted hard shooted fire fields everywere, kept summoning stone golems, made hisself invisible, healed fast...

...but we manneged to kill him eventually. Below is the screen of when we just killed him. After that we went back to the city, and I logged out.

Monday, November 14, 2005
Test server (day 3, part 1)
Very typical for the test servers are the messy depots. Everyone throws his garbage out of his depot on the floor, and so did I. Saturday when I logged in on the test server I throwed my useless items away, with the hope to find some runes in my depot. The only runes I found was 1 and a half backpack HMM. All my other runes where in my house, so I didn't had them on test. I also had 13k cash, so I could buy some UH's.

Outside the depot I saw Mytant who changed himself into a Great Shield. Bengtus changed herself into an MPA, Payla into a MMS, and Zapumov into a RH.

I saw enough equipment and mess and I took the boat to Port Hope, and there I took the boat to Ankrahmun. Mysterious Lion was in the depot there talking with Lord Mixxiphoid. I asked them if they wanted to go hunt, but only Mysterious Lion wanted to go hunt. I wanted to go to the tombs underneath the Djinn Towers, but Mysterious Lion hadn't done the Djinn Quest yet, so we couldn't go there. I thought lets do the first part of it but the level gates at the Djinn Tower blocked us (second time this test server), and then we walked to the GS tomb. A minute later Lord Mixxiphoid messaged me to ask where we were hunting and I said we were at the GS tomb. He said if we would go to the Oasis tomb he would come too, and so we did. Me and Mysterious Lion walked to the tomb where we met Lord Mixxiphoid to go down. Below you can see a picture of us walking to the tomb, and like Gator-Hex would say: CONGA!

Once down we walked to the teleporter to teleport us to the deeper tombs, and there it happened. Mixxiphoid walked throught the teleporter and I was about to follow and I throwed my scarab coin on the basin, but I wasn't on the flame yet so my coin was gone and I was till there. We didn't had any spare coins so we had to hunt scarabs. Luckily Mixxiphoid was safe, since there was nothing behind the teleporter except a stairs down. We cleared the entire tomb but no coin, and then we went up to dig scarabs and after 5 minutes I finaly digged up a coin. We went back to the teleporter and teleported successfully this time. Then we went downstairs...
The second part will come tomorrow.

Outside the depot I saw Mytant who changed himself into a Great Shield. Bengtus changed herself into an MPA, Payla into a MMS, and Zapumov into a RH.

I saw enough equipment and mess and I took the boat to Port Hope, and there I took the boat to Ankrahmun. Mysterious Lion was in the depot there talking with Lord Mixxiphoid. I asked them if they wanted to go hunt, but only Mysterious Lion wanted to go hunt. I wanted to go to the tombs underneath the Djinn Towers, but Mysterious Lion hadn't done the Djinn Quest yet, so we couldn't go there. I thought lets do the first part of it but the level gates at the Djinn Tower blocked us (second time this test server), and then we walked to the GS tomb. A minute later Lord Mixxiphoid messaged me to ask where we were hunting and I said we were at the GS tomb. He said if we would go to the Oasis tomb he would come too, and so we did. Me and Mysterious Lion walked to the tomb where we met Lord Mixxiphoid to go down. Below you can see a picture of us walking to the tomb, and like Gator-Hex would say: CONGA!

Once down we walked to the teleporter to teleport us to the deeper tombs, and there it happened. Mixxiphoid walked throught the teleporter and I was about to follow and I throwed my scarab coin on the basin, but I wasn't on the flame yet so my coin was gone and I was till there. We didn't had any spare coins so we had to hunt scarabs. Luckily Mixxiphoid was safe, since there was nothing behind the teleporter except a stairs down. We cleared the entire tomb but no coin, and then we went up to dig scarabs and after 5 minutes I finaly digged up a coin. We went back to the teleporter and teleported successfully this time. Then we went downstairs...
The second part will come tomorrow.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Test server (day 2)
Click on the screenshots to enlarge them.
Yesterday was the 2nd test server day, and I encountered an Orc Raid there. When I logged in I was still at Mt.Sternum where I logged the day before, and I went out and walked to Thais. On the way out their was some kind of PK trap, but they didn't had skulls so they might have lured the guy into their party. I mannaged to get past them whitout getting attacked.

Something like 'Orc activity spotted around Thais. Beware!' appeared on my screen and I ran to Thais. The Orc Raid started very easy with some Orc Warriors, Orc Riders, Orc Shamans, Orc Spearmans, War wolfs and regular Orcs. I even saw them spawn 2 times. I was alone at the radi since Celen The Giant got killed very fast.

After that there came a 3th spawn. This spawn was like hell. 'Thais is under attack!' came on my screen. Like I didn't knew that yet.

Yesterday was the 2nd test server day, and I encountered an Orc Raid there. When I logged in I was still at Mt.Sternum where I logged the day before, and I went out and walked to Thais. On the way out their was some kind of PK trap, but they didn't had skulls so they might have lured the guy into their party. I mannaged to get past them whitout getting attacked.

Something like 'Orc activity spotted around Thais. Beware!' appeared on my screen and I ran to Thais. The Orc Raid started very easy with some Orc Warriors, Orc Riders, Orc Shamans, Orc Spearmans, War wolfs and regular Orcs. I even saw them spawn 2 times. I was alone at the radi since Celen The Giant got killed very fast.

After that there came a 3th spawn. This spawn was like hell. 'Thais is under attack!' came on my screen. Like I didn't knew that yet.

Friday, November 11, 2005
Test server (day 1)
After trying to get on for a while I finaly logged on. Before I always had messages with a connection time-out. The typical test server things where also present (pking, trashing, trowing equipment away...).

At the Edron boat where a lot of people so nobody was able to travel there. GM Craben tried to do something against this and started spamming the default channel :p.

Me and Celen The Giant went to the White Flower temple underneath Thais to kill a banshee (I forgot that CIP locked all level gates).

But the door that wouldn't open reminded me to it.

After that I went to the dungeons underneath Mt. Sternum. I went down to the bottom of that cave and I soloed a Giant Spider there with my Giantsword, 2 HMM runes and 8 UH runes (btw I never train my skills so I suck).

At the Edron boat where a lot of people so nobody was able to travel there. GM Craben tried to do something against this and started spamming the default channel :p.

Me and Celen The Giant went to the White Flower temple underneath Thais to kill a banshee (I forgot that CIP locked all level gates).

But the door that wouldn't open reminded me to it.

After that I went to the dungeons underneath Mt. Sternum. I went down to the bottom of that cave and I soloed a Giant Spider there with my Giantsword, 2 HMM runes and 8 UH runes (btw I never train my skills so I suck).

Sunday, November 06, 2005
Dark Cathedral quest
Yesterday me, Celen The Giant, Maries, Thomac, Zath Galaya, Xawood the Ghost, Sammol and Masz of bhaal decided to do the Dark Cathedral quest (I couldn't post this yesterday because my controll pannel of my blog was down, and I need this to make new posts).
removed due to spoilers

Downstairs there are many monsters that you don't expect there like hunters and stone golems.

Somethimes you get an entire spawn attacking you. That's the result when you run too fast.

After we took all books, talked with the NPC, made the quest (to get a key -.-)... we went back to the exit.

We were preparing to get out when Maries trowed some garbage on the teleporter, but it didn't teleported. For a minute I thought we were stucked there, and that other people had to flip the switches again to get us out. But when we tried to get trought it later it worked like nothing. We went out of the Cathedrl and walked to Thais. Thomac is going to study the scrolls to find out where the key is for so we can use it for something.
removed due to spoilers

Downstairs there are many monsters that you don't expect there like hunters and stone golems.

Somethimes you get an entire spawn attacking you. That's the result when you run too fast.

After we took all books, talked with the NPC, made the quest (to get a key -.-)... we went back to the exit.

We were preparing to get out when Maries trowed some garbage on the teleporter, but it didn't teleported. For a minute I thought we were stucked there, and that other people had to flip the switches again to get us out. But when we tried to get trought it later it worked like nothing. We went out of the Cathedrl and walked to Thais. Thomac is going to study the scrolls to find out where the key is for so we can use it for something.

Friday, November 04, 2005
A party in our guildhall (part 2)
After dinner we started to play footbal. We waited till nobody was drunk anymore and then we started.
The teams:
Team 1: Fox Mc Cloud and Celen The Giant
Team 2: Imotski and Sir Chimmit
Team 3: Maries and Xefaso
First match: team 1 VS team 2

Maries and Xefaso were sitting aside, and Maries was counting the score. As you can see team 2 was winning with 5-1.

At the end of the match team 2 won with 10-3 :(.
Second match: team 3 VS team 2
The winners could stay on the field, so me and Celen went to the bench to look. Maries and Xefaso started playing against Imotski and Sir Chimmit.

In the middle of the match Count Omar walked inside the guildhall and he was disturbing the game by passing the field to reach the bench :p. Then he came sit with us.

Xefaso had heavy lag, so I replaced her in the match. Of course they were standing far behind the others so we couldn't win anymore ;).
Result: 10-4
Third match: new teams
Imotski and Sir Chimmit were too good so we splitted them. Thibautje dropped by and he and Imotski played against Maries and Sir Chimmit.

Some people that were in Thais came to look trought the walls.

Fourth match: me and Maries VS team 2
Muahahaha, me and Maries won with 9-10 :D. Imotski wanted a revenge match and so we played again, but we lost the 2nd time :(.
Then we started solo matches:
Me VS Imotski: I won, but it wasn't fair since I used alana sio "Imotski" :S.
Me VS Imotski: Imotski won
Maries VS Imotski: Imotski won
Thibautje VS Imotski: Imotski won
Me VS Imotski: Imotski won
Maries VS Imotski: Imotski won
After that Sammol logged in and he played against Imotski. Believe it or not, but Imotski won.
I invited 2 jalous guests in the guildhall that where jumping against my front doors to be invited.

Both played against Imotki and both lost.
(Since I'm the writer of this I can choose it :p.)
The teams:
Team 1: Fox Mc Cloud and Celen The Giant
Team 2: Imotski and Sir Chimmit
Team 3: Maries and Xefaso
First match: team 1 VS team 2

Maries and Xefaso were sitting aside, and Maries was counting the score. As you can see team 2 was winning with 5-1.

At the end of the match team 2 won with 10-3 :(.
Second match: team 3 VS team 2
The winners could stay on the field, so me and Celen went to the bench to look. Maries and Xefaso started playing against Imotski and Sir Chimmit.

In the middle of the match Count Omar walked inside the guildhall and he was disturbing the game by passing the field to reach the bench :p. Then he came sit with us.

Xefaso had heavy lag, so I replaced her in the match. Of course they were standing far behind the others so we couldn't win anymore ;).
Result: 10-4
Third match: new teams
Imotski and Sir Chimmit were too good so we splitted them. Thibautje dropped by and he and Imotski played against Maries and Sir Chimmit.

Some people that were in Thais came to look trought the walls.

Fourth match: me and Maries VS team 2
Muahahaha, me and Maries won with 9-10 :D. Imotski wanted a revenge match and so we played again, but we lost the 2nd time :(.
Then we started solo matches:
Me VS Imotski: I won, but it wasn't fair since I used alana sio "Imotski" :S.
Me VS Imotski: Imotski won
Maries VS Imotski: Imotski won
Thibautje VS Imotski: Imotski won
Me VS Imotski: Imotski won
Maries VS Imotski: Imotski won
After that Sammol logged in and he played against Imotski. Believe it or not, but Imotski won.
I invited 2 jalous guests in the guildhall that where jumping against my front doors to be invited.

Both played against Imotki and both lost.
(Since I'm the writer of this I can choose it :p.)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
A party in our guildhall (part 1)
Maries his internet was down, but a few days ago he got it back. He told me he wanted to make a party, and so we did. Yesterday me, Maries, Celen The Giant and Mysterious Lion had a party at our guildhall (the Warriors Guildhall in front of Thais depot). Later some other people dropped by, but that will come later. Maries provided lots of food and 2 backpacks of beer and wine. Also Celen The Giant had some beers for us. The beer was very good, so we were all drunk very fast.

We were out of beers and so we went down to the basement. We have a beer and wine cask there. We had some troughts that we filled with beer and wine to drink out. Celen he Giant was so drunk that he spilled 2 bottles of wine on the floor (today he can go clean that). I ran with my face against the wall (that hurted).

Later Imotski dropped by. He couldn't resist the beer and wine, and went down to the basement to drink as much he could. In 10 minutes he drunk more then me, Celen, Maries and Lion on the entire evening ;).

Later Sir Chimmit dropped by and we made some music. I played on the drum, Sir Chimmit was suposed to play on the fanfare, and Imotski was singing 'Hicks!'.

Maries couldn't stop drinking, and took some cups to fill them again. We were out of wines.

What would a party be whitout some food. Later we eated dinner together (at least that was the meaning). After that we played some football. More about the football will come tomorow.

We were out of beers and so we went down to the basement. We have a beer and wine cask there. We had some troughts that we filled with beer and wine to drink out. Celen he Giant was so drunk that he spilled 2 bottles of wine on the floor (today he can go clean that). I ran with my face against the wall (that hurted).

Later Imotski dropped by. He couldn't resist the beer and wine, and went down to the basement to drink as much he could. In 10 minutes he drunk more then me, Celen, Maries and Lion on the entire evening ;).

Later Sir Chimmit dropped by and we made some music. I played on the drum, Sir Chimmit was suposed to play on the fanfare, and Imotski was singing 'Hicks!'.

Maries couldn't stop drinking, and took some cups to fill them again. We were out of wines.

What would a party be whitout some food. Later we eated dinner together (at least that was the meaning). After that we played some football. More about the football will come tomorow.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Domain name
Tibiacity got a domain name. It's not .com like I wanted since an advertisement site already took it, so I took .net. You can visit Tibiacity by entering these things in your browser:
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
My house
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